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Our Server tages: erp, rp, roleplay, furry, furries, animal-crossing, lewd, nsfw, friendly, village, fun, character, 18+, love, relationship, adventure, character, partnership, adults, furry-server, furry-fandom, furry-community, cuddles. Attempting to rejoin a few times before 2 week after your account been, you'll end up ban from the server If you join our server will under 14 days will be kick out from our server. ]ĪCCOUNT RESTRICTION: All discord account MUST BE OVER 14 DAYS/ 2 WEEK to prevent any bots, porn bots account, raider and/or troll account. If a person fails to do this system with in 30 min will be kick out. You need to complete the verification system with in 30 minutes before attempting to fill out our verification forum.

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Security note: Due to default profile account ((won't know if they're real player or bot account)) we have to enable the YAGPDB verify system. You need to apply in order to gain access to other server channel. If you're joining our server while below age 18, you'll be ban instantly on site. Welcome to Animal Crossing: UNTAMED! roleplaying server.īan warning: Before joining our discord ERP server, you MUST be at the age of '18'.

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