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Though she declared that she was “single” via Instagram not long after she was spotted packing on the PDA, the duo were photographed grabbing dinner in Los Angeles in August 2021 and again two months later. was first linked to her beau in March 2021, when the pair were photographed cuddling and kissing on the balcony of a Malibu mansion. “It should be mutually supportive no matter what that person does.” not even a factor,” the “Good As Hell” singer said during an April 18 appearance on SiriusXM’s Radio Andy, confirming her relationship status to host Andy Cohen without identifying her boyfriend.

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“If you have the right person, no, not at all.

Has she found her soulmate? Lizzo revealed that she’s been in a relationship for a while - and fans think her mystery man is comedian Myke Wright.

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